These client side settings are out of control of EPFO and because of that many employers are unable to approve KYC and register under PMRPY,” it said. “It has been continuously reported by employers that they are facing difficulties in signing the documents using DSC. Epfo Digital Signature Java Version Free Download Windows 10. Use of DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) requires many client side settings such as Java installation and version control, browser setting, etc. Includes support for servlets, JSPs, tag libraries, Java Server Faces, Java Persistence API.

In a recent circular to PF Commissioners, FPFO said that “as you are aware that EPFO has provided a facility to employers for approval of KYC, PMRPY registration and establishment registration through digital signatures at Unified Portal. Retirement fund body Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has introduced Aadhaar-based e-sign facility for employers to authenticate various documents on the PF portal.

Authorised signatory of establishments whose DSC is already registered can directly activate their e-sign by providing Aadhaar at the Unified Portal.